Wednesday 4 September 2024

Redefining Teachers’ Day: Celebrating Every Educator in Our Lives || Maanvi Ananya

Is Teachers’ Day only for those who have taught us in classrooms?

Absolutely not!

#TeachersDay is a tribute to everyone who educates, guides, and inspires us—not just in academic settings but in every walk of life. This includes our parents, grandparents, mentors, and friends—individuals who impart lessons that profoundly shape our identities.

Our #mother serves as our #firstteacher for a lot of us. She is the one who helps us utter "Amma" for the first time, marking the beginning of a lifelong learning journey.

#Parents are essential to a child's early education. They teach us our first words and guide our first steps, embedding the early principles of morality and ethics. The lessons learned from our parents often accompany us throughout our lives, influencing us in ways we may only realize in retrospect.

Beyond the family, our #friends teach us how to navigate the complexities of the world—how to interact with others, manage emotions during challenging or joyful times, and tackle life’s hurdles. They show us how to persevere through hardships by providing us with unwavering support, nurturing us like a mother and giving us advice like a father. Friends often teach us by example, through their actions, support, and the shared moments that define our experiences. They are instrumental in teaching us about relationships, resilience, and self-discovery, thus playing a crucial role in our personal development.

Every person who enters our lives enriches it with valuable lessons and memorable experiences, shaping our understanding and growth.

In 1962, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was elected President of India, which is when Teachers' Day in India began. While his students and friends sought to celebrate his birthday, #DrSarvepalliRadhakrishnan proposed that the day instead honor the nation’s teachers. Since then, #September5th has been recognized as Teachers' Day in India, celebrating educators in all forms.

This Teachers' Day, let's broaden our horizons and appreciate every ‘teacher’ in our lives—whether they are our relatives, mentors, or friends who have imparted invaluable wisdom.

It’s a day to acknowledge the diverse forms of teaching and to express our gratitude to everyone who has contributed to our educational journeys.

Happy Teachers’ Day to all the remarkable teachers in my life!

Maanvi Ananya 

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